About RVG Alumni
This is a dedicated portal with exciting utilities for RVG Alumni Members to connect with other Alumni members.

RVG Alumni is a group of RVGians who have stayed at RVG (Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha) since 1963. RVG Alumni is committed to bring the RVG community together with a view to promote mutually beneficial interaction among its members, the present students of RVG and the RVG Trust.  Apart from networking, RVG Alumni will also focus on promoting professional, cultural and spiritual development of RVGians.
Aims and Objectives
To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the RVG Alumni and the present students of the Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha.
To encourage the formation of Chapters as a means to increase participation of RVG Alumni.
To encourage the RVG Alumni to take an active and abiding interest so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of the Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha.
To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
To institute prizes and awards for outstanding project work, research papers or other professional activity by the students of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and also to suitably recognize outstanding social and community services rendered by the RVG Alumni and the present students of Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha.
To undertake and organise activities of a civic or charitable nature with the consent of the Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha so as to increase public awareness of the role of Accountancy & Management as a value addition in the economic and social development of the Nation.
To acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire in India any movable property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
To invest and deal with the funds and moneys collected for charitable purposes through the Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha.
To take advantage of developing communication technologies and promote use of such technology by the association and its members.
To do all such other lawful things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives and/or beneficial to the interests of the Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha and its RVG Alumni.